For the prewriting strategies, I chose to make a timeline and do the colored sticky note strategy. I found the sticky note activity helpful to think of a wide variety of ideas which organized my thoughts. The timeline was helpful, but I had a hard time remembering reading and writing experiences from preschool and elementary school. If the timeline was more specific and focused on a more recent time interval, it could have been more beneficial. At first, I could only think of two examples that I could write about; however, both of these pre-writing strategies broadened my possibilities for the narrative.


Looking at my first and final draft, there is a significant difference. In the revision process, I started by making global changes within my literacy narrative. I moved, added, and deleted sentences and paragraphs. Then, I focused on making changes to my grammar, sentence structure, and spelling. This was different from past practices since I would typically start revising my grammar first. I think the revision process done to the literacy narrative was more beneficial.